The exceptional talent we have in-house have received many awards and publications across their projects during 2022

Here we showcase the prestigious awards our staff and their publications have received, as well as the projects we’ve worked on. As an institution, we were also very proud to have been ranked within the Top 10 globally for software engineering research, with many of our researchers being renowned experts of the field.

New Projects

Best Paper Awards

Individual Awards & Recognitions

Our Projects Launched in 2022

Partner Projects

ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorPartner
Dynamic pricing in insuranceR. StateFoyer
Analytical Platform R. StateFinmars
Securing DeFi ImplementationsR. StateQUANTSTAMP Germany
DeFi for the End Customer – Crypto assets and AML
Metaverse for Spuerkeess – from Arts to Mortgage
DeFi for Mutualisation – Digitalisation of Syndicated Loans
DeFi for Mutualisation – Digitalisation of EURIBOR calculation
R. State
G. Fridgen
Towards accurate and unbiased natural language processing (NLP) for EuropeJ. KleinZortify
Machine Learning for official statistics: toward a continuous delivery process Y. Le TraonStatec
Digital Identities for Luxembourg G. FridgenMinistry for Digitalisation
New Data Driven Approaches For Van ServicesR. StateEurosender
Intraday power prices forecastingG. FridgenEnovos
Flexibility potentials and user Behaviour Analysis (FlexBeAn)G. FridgenCreos
Cybersecurity ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorPartner
Automating the Security Opeations Centre (ASOC) Y. Le TrainMinistry of Foreign and European Affairs, Directorate of Defense
Cyber Defense CampusJ. KleinArmasuisse
Space ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorPartner
Autonomous Robotic Topographical Exploration & SupervisionM.A. Olivares Mendez FIRIS
Autonomous Vehicles & IoT ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorPartner
PRIME - PRedIctive MaintenancE for vehicles R. FrankMotion-S
Defect Recognition in the Industry 4.0 Era Y. Le TrainCeratizit

EU and ESA Projects

ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorProgramme
AIRSHIP - Autonomous Flying Ships For Inter-Island And Inland Waters Transport M.A. Olivares Mendez Horizon Europe
ASCEND - Accelerate poSitive Clean ENergy Districts S. Kubler Horizon Europe
AVATAR - Transformative Digital Air Vehicle with IoT Sensors for Safer Urban Skies S. Kubler Horizon Europe
DragLiner  M.A. Olivares Mendez ESA 
ESAFUZZ - Applicability of Fuzz Testing to Flight Software F. Pastore ESA 
ETHER - sElf-evolving terrestrial / non-Terrestrial Hybrid nEtwoRks S. Chatzinotas Horizon Europe
FAQAS2 - Improve Mutation Testing In Space Software Systems F. Pastore ESA 
HERawS - Highlights on Europe Raw materials Sustainability Y. Le Traon Erasmus plus 
INT-UQKD - End-to-End International Use cases for Operational QKD Applications and Services (INT-UQKD) P. Ryan ESA 
LUVMI-XR  M.A. Olivares Mendez ESA 
Lux4QCI - Luxembourg Experimental Network for Quantum Communication Infrastructure S. Chatzinotas Digital Europe 
MARSEUS - Modular ARchitecture Solution for EU States H. Voos European Defense Fund 
NEUROSAT - The Application Of Neuromorphic Processors To Satcom Applications E. Lagunas ESA 
SAT-IAB - Satellite and Integrated Access Backhaul (IAB) – An Architectural Trade-Off S. Chatzinotas ESA 
SPRING - Space Response to Risk & Integration with Ground Segment D. Aouada European Defense Fund 
TALON - Autonomous and Self-organized Artificial Intelligent Orchestrator for a Greener Industry 4.0 S. Chatzinotas Horizon Europe
TERRAMETA - TERahertz ReconfigurAble METAsurfaces for ultra-high rate wireless communications S. Chatzinotas Horizon Europe
TIA - Test, Improve, Assure F. Pastore ESA 
TRANTOR - 5G+ evoluTion to mutioRbitAl multibaNd neTwORks S. Chatzinotas Horizon Europe
NGSO-Sense - Prototype For Measuring NGSO Satellite Network Interference And Radiofrequency Characteristics  E. Lagunas ESA 
EBSI-VECTORG. FridgenHorizon Europe
NEDA- Neuromorphic Camera for Defence Applications H. VoosEuropean Defense Fund 
ENERGETIC – Next generation battery management system based on data rich digital twin D. AouadaHorizon Europe
Cysana Artificial Intelligence-Based Malware, Ransomware and Malware Vulnerability Detection for EnterpriseG. LenziniEIT Digital

FNR Projects

ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorProgramme
SoilRF - Low-cost real-time soil monitoring solution using LoRa radio-frequency signalsH. HuangCORE Junior
CryptoFin - Advanced Cryptography for Finance and PrivacyA. BiryukovCORE
SAMP - Space-program Architecture Modelling PlatformA. HeinCORE
SERENITY - SpacE data bRokEriNg optImizaTion sYstemP. BouvryCORE International
SpaceVote - Probabilistic Verification of Complex Heterogeneous Systems: From Ballots to BallisticsP. RyanCORE International
MeMoRIA - Metamorphic Relation Inference AutomationM. PapadakisCORE
COSAMOS - Control of a Soft Aerial Manipulator with CLCEbased Optical Strain SensingH. VoosCORE
LOGODOR - Automated Log Smell Detection and RemovalD. BianculliCORE
S3 - Signal Processing for Sensing using Intelligent SurfacesB.S. Mysore Rama RaoCORE
METSA - Metacognitive Radar for Emerging Sensing ApplicationsB. OtterstenCORE
RUTINE - Distributed and Risk-aware Multi-Agent ReinfOrcement Learning for ResoUrces and Control Management in MulTIlayer Ground-Air- Space NEtworksT.X. VuCORE Junior
DEUS - Deep Understanding of the Situation for RobotsJ.L. Sanchez LopezCORE Junior
ImPAKT - Real-World Implementation and Human-Centered Design of PAKE TechnologiesP.Y.A. RyanCORE International
ReSAC - Resilient and Secure Activity Control for Flexible Time-Triggered SystemsM. VölpCORE International
PRIME - PRedIctive MaintenancE for vehiclesR. FrankBRIDGES
TIMELESS - Drift-resilient financial machine learning systems resubmissionM. CordyBRIDGES
FlexBeAM - Flexibility potentials and user Behaviour Analysis – Market incentivesG. FridgenBRIDGES
CAESAR-XR- CollAborative Exploration and Structural Analysis using heterogenous multi-Robot system in eXtreme enviRonmentsM.A. Olivares MendezIndustrial Fellowship
ACDC - Infrastructure assisted cooperative driving strategy for connected vehiclesR. FrankAFR-PhD
DISCO - Diagnostics of violations of Signal and Source Code Behaviour in the CPS settingsD. BianculliAFR-PhD
UNISACS - Uniform Sampling for Configurable SystemsM. CordyAFR-PhD
RoboSAUR - Robotic Situational Awareness by Understanding and ReasoningJ.L. Sanchez LopezAFR-PhD
LAAR - Learning Android App Representations resubmissionJ. KleinAFR-PhD
ASTRAL - A satellite data marketplace model with data lake storageP. BouvryAFR-PhD
GNNRobustStudy - Towards improving the robustness of Graph Neural Network models: An Empirical StudyY. Le TraonAFR-PhD
CASCADES - ConstrAined Sequence modelling of CAD for reverse Engineering from 3d ScansD. AouadaIndustrial Fellowship (Artec)
MoCoMa - MoMulti-Layer Model Predictive Control for Urban Water ManagementH. VoosIndustrial Fellowship (RTC4Water)
MOCCA - Multi-Objective Adaptive Cruise Control of Battery Electric Vehicles with Advanced Situational AwarenessH. VoosAFR-PhD
BURGEON - Bug Reports-based Test Case GenerationT. BissyandeAFR Bilateral Grant
CDCP - Cryptanalysis and Design of Cryptographic PermutationsA. BiryukovAFR-PhD
Lunar SLAM - Lunar exploration multi-sensor SLAM for long traverse missionsM.A. Olivares MendezAFR-Bilateral NASA-ARC
PriML - Privacy Attacks and Protection in Machine Learning as a ServiceJ. PangAFR-PhD
ITIS - Design and Optimization of Intelligent Tactile Internet Systems over 5G and Beyond Wireless NetworksS.ChatzinotasAFR-PhD
ML-COBOTS - A Combined Machine Learning Approach for the Engineering of Flexible Assembly Processes Using Collaborative RobotsH. VoosIndustrial Fellowship
FLAGS - Federated Learning And Graph Neural NetworkS for Retail BankingR. StateIndustrial Fellowship
MIS-URSO - Modular vISion for dynamic grasping of Unknown Resident Space ObjectsM.A. Olivares MendezIndustrial Fellowship
UNFAKE - UNsupervised multi-type explainable deepFAKE detectionD. AouadaIndustrial Fellowship
CASED - Design of a Capturing, Absorbing, Securing system for active space Debris removalM.A. Olivares MendezIndustrial Fellowship
RELICA - Macroscopic Optimization of REturn LInk Carrier AllocationS. ChatzinotasIndustrial Fellowship
RADII - Radar Distributed Sensors for Indoor ImagingB.S. Mysore Rama RaoIndustrial Fellowship
ATTEST - Remote memory attestation and erasure through formal verificationS. MauwAFR-PhD
SEADOCO - Search-Based Adversarial Testing under Domain-Specific ConstraintsM. CordyAFR-PhD
DIANA - Dissecting Android Applications using Static AnalysisJ. KleinAFR-PhD
NERVE - Neural Vulnerable Program RepairT. BissyandeAFR-PhD
REGAL - Resource Allocation and IntErference MitiGation for demand based capAcity adaptabiLity in Satellite Communication SystemS. ChatzinotasIndustrial Fellowship
MIDIA - MIMO Distributed Radar for Indoor ApplicationsB.S. Mysore Rama RaoIndustrial Fellowship
DETECT - Towards edge-optimized deep learning for explainable quality controlD. AouadaIndustrial Fellowship
INSAT - Power and Bandwidth Allocation for INterference-Limited SATellite Communication SystemsE. LagunasAFR-PhD
MASSIVE - Machine Learning for Risk Assessment in Semi-autonomous VehiclesR. FrankIndustrial Fellowship
Blockchain for Finance - Secure Blockchain Technologies for FinanceR. StateIndustrial Fellowship
LARGOS - Learning-Assisted Optimization for Resource and Security Management in Slicing-Based 5G NetworksS. ChatzinotasAFR Bilateral Grant
LACLOCCN - Learning -Assisted Cross-Layer Optimizaation of Cognitive Communication networksS. ChatzinotasAFR-PhD
NavSys - Navigation System for a Small Lunar Exploration RoverH. VoosAFR-PPP PhD
SCASE21 - "Space" as a catalyst of a sustainable smart school environment Systemic conceiving and achieving of conviviality for the school of the 21st centuryC. MaxAFR-PhD
DAFI - Data Analysis For InsuranceR. StateIndustrial Fellowship
MILAN - Machine Learning Applications for Environmental Monitoring using Signalling Data from Satellite NetworkB.S. Mysore Rama RaoIndustrial Fellowship
UltraBO - Ultra-scale Computing for solving Big Optimization Problems ResubmissionG. DanoyINTER
SVALINN - Secure Valuables Against maLIcious Neural NetworksM.CordyPOC
SHARCS - Commercialization of SHARCS technologyR. GraczykPOC
DRONA - Commercialisation of an application for requirements engineeringC. DuprelPOC
Ikora - Holistic System for End-2-End testsM. PapadakisPOC

Ministries Projects

ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorMinistry
LUQCIA - LUxembourg Quantum Communication Infrastructure lAb S. Chatzinotas Luxembourg Government
Finnovation HubJ. HilgerMinistry of Finance
Service AgreementG. FridgenMinistry for Digitalisation

Other Projects

ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorProgramme
ELWISS - Extremely Light-Weight Solar Sails (ELWISS) for Fast Deep Space MissionsH. HeinLimitless Space Institute

We would like to thank our partners and the following organisations for their support:

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