
We develop interdisciplinary solutions in multiple domains, from critical information infrastructures to software testing, from quantum cryptography to mobile and cloud security, cyberphysical systems, and much more.

Cybersecurity Stories

Getting Luxembourg ready for quantum communication

Q-day – the day that quantum computers will be used to break the encryption standards currently in use – seems to loom closer and closer, and countries worldwide are gearing up, Luxembourg included. Several groups of researchers at SnT are currently working on a range of quantum communication infrastructure (QCI) projects to support the Grand Duchy in protecting governmental and business data, with e-government and secure data centre interconnectivity being just two of the primary fields of application for these technologies.


Supporting ICT Training and Innovation in West Africa

In 2020, ten doctoral positions on cybersecurity at SnT were allocated to computer science graduates from West African countries in the framework of the LuxWays programme. Launched by SnT, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, and three universities in Senegal and Burkina Faso, LuxWays has acted as a train-the-trainer programme for the academic staff of tomorrow. Three years in, some of these doctoral researchers are designing academic curricula in their countries of origin. 


Understanding the Disinformation Phenomenon

There are no more five strikes and out. In 2021, Twitter introduced a five-strike crisis misinformation policy to hinder fake news. This means that users who violate Twitter’s misleading information policy five times will have their account permanently suspended. Since the policy was enacted, this has led to the suspension of more than 11,000 accounts.


A Lab for Quantum Key Distribution in Luxembourg

How would our lives change if we couldn’t rely on secure online communications? Even though it feels impossible, it is a tangible risk with the advent of quantum computing. As the underlying technology quickly gains commercial pace, the demise of current encryption techniques and the risk of extremely powerful cyberattacks looms closer. So close, in fact, that intelligence agencies have allegedly been intercepting and storing encrypted data to decrypt in the very near future.


Protecting The Fabric of Life: Cybersecurity for Genomic Data

In 1951, a patient named Henrietta Lacks underwent a routine biopsy that changed the world. The cells that were taken that day went on to help create the polio and HPV vaccine, HIV medications, and much, much more. No one asked Ms. Lacks’ permission – back then, consent was not an established practice in much of medical research.


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