Tag: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Trailblazing AI Solution Empowering Sustainable Logistics

The University of Luxembourg’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust and Gulliver, a tech company based in Luxembourg and Italy, have established a new partnership to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) based solution for sustainable logistics planning.

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Artificial Intelligence

Enabling Reverse Engineering in Computer-Aided Design

The metaverse is taking shape as we speak, with companies and institutions building premises and launching initiatives in the new virtual world. And while 3D experiences have been permeating our lives for many years now, all conditions are in place for the metaverse to become the next iteration of the internet. From entertainment to shopping, virtual and augmented realities are becoming more and more commonplace – and they are set to grow exponentially in the next few years.

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Artificial Intelligence

Fighting Financial Fraud with Privacy-Compliant AI

Having your credit card stolen is a very frustrating experience, and sadly, one that many can relate to. In 2019 alone, fraudulent transactions involving credit cards issued in Europe accounted for €1.87 billion – a staggering amount, and one that is only expected to increase as online shopping grows. With its advanced capability to analyse large amounts of data and create forecasts, artificial intelligence (AI) could provide financial institutions with significant help in fighting fraud. However, using AI to detect financial crimes requires access to sensitive data, which raises concerns about data privacy and security. That’s where federated learning comes in.

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Artificial Intelligence

Trustworthy AI for Predictive Maintenance and Waste Reduction

Every electrical appliance we use, even our cars, embeds electromechanical components. These are, for example, the countless switches and sensors built in the devices we use daily. Due to the crucial functions they perform, these components need to go through rigorous production processes, which involve intense testing and close monitoring.

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Artificial Intelligence

Steering a Safer Future for Autonomous Systems

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of avoidable deaths in Europe, and despite numbers falling in recent years, there were still almost 20,000 people who lost their lives in 2021 as a result. It’s a problem that has many proposed solutions under way, with the EU aiming to reduce the number of deaths and serious injury by 50% by 2030, and to zero by 2050. This kind of world is hopefully one that will be our future, and SnT researchers are finding ways to bring it closer to a reality. 

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Artificial Intelligence

Bringing Research and Standardisation Closer Together in Luxembourg

Whether we as consumers are buying a product or receiving a service, we’d like to think we’re going to be safe in our choices. If we’re buying responsibly, experts behind the scenes have distilled their knowledge into standards that keep us safe from harm. More generally, through technical standardisation, society overall can benefit from consensus-based technical specifications that enhance interoperability, efficiency and quality. We see this through product quality control, health and safety practices and food safety protocols – to name just a few – but actually, technical standards can cover most areas of our life, beyond just safety. 

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Artificial Intelligence

Optimising Luxembourg’s Wastewater Networks to Fight Pollution​

Covering nearly three quarters of our world, we’d imagine that water is one of our most plentiful resources on Earth – but everything we do on a daily basis consumes vast quantities of it. From the 130 litres of water it took to make the beans in your morning cup of coffee, to the 10,000 litres in just one pair of jeans, our water usage is astounding when you really look deeper.

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Artificial Intelligence

Protecting The Fabric of Life: Cybersecurity for Genomic Data

In 1951, a patient named Henrietta Lacks underwent a routine biopsy that changed the world. The cells that were taken that day went on to help create the polio and HPV vaccine, HIV medications, and much, much more. No one asked Ms. Lacks’ permission – back then, consent was not an established practice in much of medical research.

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Artificial Intelligence

Can You Still Trust Your Eyes?

In 2019, media artists created a convincing video showing President Nixon giving a speech that was conceived but never actually recorded. The video, entitled “In Event of Moon Disaster”, features an alternate version of reality in which the famous 1969 Moon landing was unsuccessful. Created using a branch of artificial intelligence, deepfakes, it’s a truly believable video – which in itself is the most sinister part of this evolving technology.

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