JUMP into the Market
Congratulations to our researchers who have had their spin-off projects selected for funding in the JUMP Call of the Luxembourg National Research Fund.
Our researchers develop exciting solutions for real-world challenges. To support our aspiring entrepreneurs, we offer our researchers training as they develop their ideas into viable businesses.
Our Technology Transfer Office (TTO) developed the Acceleration Programme to provide researchers with a dedicated business team, to mentor them from idea to spin-off launch.
Specialised experts perform feasibility checks, identify business advisors, and guide scientists to set up their business in progressive steps. We also involve industry advisors to provide feedback at an early stage, and offer support in applying for relevant funding.
By following the programme, researchers receive structured support and guidance in the crucial steps of setting up a business, such as market research, risk assessment and the creation of a business plan. This gives researchers the opportunity to develop the skill set they need as entrepreneurs to launch a sustainable business.
Congratulations to our researchers who have had their spin-off projects selected for funding in the JUMP Call of the Luxembourg National Research Fund.
As our researchers work today to solve the challenges of tomorrow, it’s our mission as the University’s ICT research centre to realise these ideas. We help our scientists translate their ideas into sustainable businesses, seeing them through from lab to launch. Since 2009, they have created five spin-offs:
When it comes to software engineering, SnT is a leading institution – in fact, it ranks in the top ten globally. As a home for several renowned experts in the field, delivering high-quality software is naturally of great importance, and requires due diligence when it comes to incorporating free and open-source software (FOSS) into its projects, as well as releasing its own results.
SnT’s FOSS team brings the researchers, TTO and external experts together as a community of practitioners that can learn from each other, and exchange on the best practices in research software development. We can make more impact together!