
ICT solutions that are secure, compliant and trustworthy are a core component of the financial, legal and insurance sectors. 


They’re also the fabric of the work we do. Our research on cybersecurity, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, as well as many other areas, helps to develop the financial tools of tomorrow.

FinTech Highlights

STATEC Builds Data Science Lab with University Support

Data is a key tool for policy makers to respond to changes in a society and the challenges everyday people are facing. That is why Luxembourg’s National Institute of statistics and economic studies, STATEC has launched a partnership with the University of Luxembourg’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) to set-up an in-house Data Science Lab. This lab will focus on developing and implementing AI tools that support STATEC’s mission in Luxembourg.


Mapping the Landscape of EU Venture Capital

How are European investors responding to the prolonged economic uncertainty brought on by the pandemic, war, high interest rates, and the energy crises that defined 2023? What can kickstart investment in entrepreneurialism and innovation in the face of a gloomy economic outlook and a reduced appetite for risk? These are some of the core questions driving the first set of findings released by a newly formed research team, involving SnT and the European Investment Fund (EIF).


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